Thursday, November 1, 2007

I'm Addicted to FAKE Sugar

About a month ago, I was going into Starbucks every morning and getting a Venti, Red Eye (drip with an extra shot of expresso), adding half-half and 3 Splenda. That is how I started my day. Let me just say- lots of caffeine and artificial chemicals, sure to make me feel "awake"- or so I thought. Then, for morning snack, I would make a protein shake. Not a bad choice if I wanted to lose fat, but once again, packed with artificial sweetener. Then, for lunch, I would head to Subway to have a healthy turkey wrap and, then, a Diet Coke (artificial). Or, I would go to Starbucks again and have an Iced Green Tea for a drink and throw some Sweet N'Low in it for extra sweetness. This type of behavior would go on and on, and by the end of the day, I probably had close to 10-12 servings of FAKE sugar. There have been several studies done on the ill-effects of fake sugar, which is now available in so many forms. I mean- you have to have 3 choices at Starbucks: Equal, Sweet N'Low, and then the newest, Splenda.

Since being off of this for the last 10 days (well, I am not going to lie- I have had maybe 2 servings a day, but most days- not nearly as much as I was taking in). I am thinking that if you can ration your total sugar intake (real sugar) to any extent, that is GREAT. Sugar can wreak havoc on your diet, not to mention your waistline. But, if you do decide to use some artifical sweetener in your food, just watch how much you are taking in. And- perhaps thinking about taking it out of your diet completely. And, just see how much better you will feel. Take the NO-FAKE challenge.

Have a WONDERFUL day!

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Clancy, Mike and I

Clancy, Mike and I
SB Tri Finishers- Nice Tiles!